The Day When All of This Misery Begin

15 juni 2010
That was a day when I really want to back, there’s a fight, sadness and love left there

I still remember every word that she has said to me
“aku baru inget sekarang apa yg ganjil dari kakak, kakak itu gak pernah ngerti perasaan orang, termasuk aku, di rubah ya kak, jangan gitu lagi”

Then I said

“oke, aku akan coba untuk berubah, thanks”

Tapi 3 tahun kemudian, tepatnya hari ini, I am still the same, aku masih orang yg sama yg gak pernah ngertiin perasaan orang lain, all I ever do are nothing but mistake.

“aku merasa gak kmu anggap kak, inget yg aku tanya seumpama ada org chat aku terus nanya ‘lagi chat ama siapa?’ terus ku jawab ‘gak ama siapa siapa’ . padahal aku lagi chat sama kakak? Itu yg kakak lakuin ke aku”

And after all, she decided to leave, I’ve lost one of the best I’d ever have\

The last one I still remember
“rasanya baru kemarin aku kenal kmu kak, dan sekarang aku harus ngelupain semuanya”

And now, I’m not a better person, I’ve lost my faith to everything, my mind are still there in the past, I miss her so much.

I think I won’t get anyone better than her, she’s the one and only now.
I won’t make the same mistakes by being relationship with the other person, I will only wait for her, I’m sure the time will come for us.
